Online classes
Hypnotic Coach Holistic Wellness
Training Certification Program
Learn a Variety of Proven Tools to Succeed as a Holistic Wellness Coach

Enroll in HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® hypnotic coach certification and prepare yourself to be a formidably well-equipped coach getting measurable results with individual clients using innovative, proven tools and techniques. This 236-hour, 15-month HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® All-in-One Holistic Wellness Coach certification program meets the requirements for ACC, PCC, and MCC International Coaching Federation (ICF) coach-specific training credentials, and prepares students for American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE) Hypnotic Coach certification. All classes are held virtually over Zoom. You can take the courses in 15 months, or spread them out over time.

Enroll in HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® hypnotic coach certification and prepare yourself to be a formidably well-equipped coach getting measurable results with individual clients using innovative, proven tools and techniques. This 236-hour, 17-month HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® All-in-One Holistic Wellness Coach certification program meets the requirements for ACC, PCC, and MCC International Coaching Federation (ICF) coach-specific training credentials, and prepares students for American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE) Hypnotic Coach certification. All classes are held virtually over Zoom. You can take the courses in 15 months, or spread them out over time.
This pathway adds two ICF-accredited HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Level Three courses to the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Level Two Coach Training Program to satisfy the requirements of ACHE Hypnotic Coach certification. You will learn tools to effectively facilitate the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Program to individual clients in the context of one-on-one ICF-aligned coaching sessions. The first segment provides coach-specific training in the International Coaching Federation core competencies and Code of Ethics. The second component is to go through the evidence-based HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Program yourself as a participant. Third, HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Facilitator training provides context for the program and protocols for coaches to provide expert guidance. Coaches learn how to administer the validated HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Self-Assessment and support individual clients as they learn to improve their personal and relationship well-being through structured and results-oriented ways as they achieve meaningful, measurable, and lasting improvements in personal, professional, and relationship health. Lastly, coaches learn 12 thought and emotion management tools they can integrate into sessions to empower clients to meet the challenges of their lives with agility and confidence. The HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Hypnotic Coaching Certification Program teaches coaches to integrate relaxation and guided meditation exercises into their ICF-aligned coaching sessions to harness the power of the subconscious mind to overcome obstacles and step into an experience of the optimized self. As a type of life coaching, hypnotic coaches partner with clients in a co-created process of discovery and learning. Students learn advanced tools and techniques of coaching, with the power of hypnosis. You will be trained in five styles of hypnosis, and learn how to coach people to wholeness by working with the creative subconscious and subpersonalities using an empowering process called Alchemical Hypnosis. A 20-week supervised practicum puts it all together.
ICF-trained coaches can use this assessment and paradigm-shifting program as a way to evoke awareness, earn trust, and empower clients to bring their most authentic self “to work” as they clarify and work towards short- and long-term desired outcomes. As coaches will be working beyond ego, the HWH program sets the Socratic Method co-created discovery process up for optimal, measurable, and permanent success.
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® (HWH) programs prepare students for empowering and lucrative coaching careers in which they create interactive confidential healing spaces of unconditional acceptance and provide the support, information, and structure to facilitate transformational change. Students are taught practical tools and techniques to help clients conquer their fears, get out of their own way, and learn to live as Happy Whole Humans-radiant, happy, and fulfilled. Our mission is to empower individuals as they relax, reflect, and snap out of unconscious patterns via mindfulness and holistic wellness to overcome obstacles and improve their lives and relationships across the board.
Dr. Lisa Leit, MCC, Master Hypnotic Coach
In total, this seven-step 236-hour program consists of 121 hours of live Zoom tele-classes (including seven hours of group ICF mentoring), three hours of one-on-one ICF mentoring, 20 hours of supervised client sessions, and 92 hours of eCourses (self-study including assignments) for a total of 124 Synchronous and 112 Asynchronous learning hours.
Application Process:
Enrollment is limited and contingent upon completion of the application process. Click here to apply.
This 15-month, 210-hour HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Coach Training is pre-approved to be applied toward a International Coaching Federation Professional Certified Coach credential and/or as CCE credits. This course is accredited by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE) and prepares participants for ACHE Certifification.
Certification Requirements
Each course offered by the HWH Institute of Holistic Wellness includes an online final comprehensive exam. To pass, students must pass the exam and complete all assignments with a 75% average or above and attend all live Zoom classes (you may make up to two missed classes per level by watching class videos and completing in-class assignments). In the event that a student is not able to pass one of the classes, s/he will need to retake the class and all subsequent levels within three years, or additional tuition will be due. Upon passing each coach training level, students will receive certificates of completion which may be submitted to the International Coaching Federation and the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners as proof of training hours towards ICF and ACHE certification and/or continuing education requirements. HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Coach Certification: all assignments due, mentorship hours complete, and a comprehensive oral and written exam.
Click here for our Participant Enrollment Agreement.
Click here for our Terms and Conditions.
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Affiliate pathways
Graduates in good standing will be eligible to elect an affiliate pathway in order to provide their clients with cobranded materials and receive ongoing guidance and support as HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Facilitators.
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Seven-Step Level Two Coach Training:
Step 1: Orientation and Introductions live Zoom Class: 2 hours
Step 2: HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Level One Coach Training (Eight weeks - 60 hours)
Happy Whole Human Level One Coach-Specific Training Program including eCourses, eight weeks of Zoom classes, and 10 hours of ICF Mentoring (60 hours).
This 60-hour HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Coach-Specific Training prepares coaches for International Coaching Federation ACC-level certification. Level One can be taken as stand-alone training, or as a basis for additional coach training in the 144-hour Level Two HWH Holistic Wellness Coach certification program. Participants will learn to screen clients and to conduct introductory sessions, mid-stream sessions, and conclusion sessions in alignment with the ICF core competencies and ICF Code of Conduct.
Participants will learn to enact the ICF Core Competencies, specifically to:
Understand and consistently apply coaching ethics and standards of coaching
Embody a coaching mindset.
Establish and maintain agreements.
Cultivate trust and safety.
Maintain presence.
Listen actively.
Evoke awareness.
Facilitate client growth.
Eight weeks (1:1 mentoring hours completed over three months)
Course Schedule:
60-hour training
16 two-hour live Zoom classes integrating seven hours of group ICF mentoring over eight weeks and
three 1:1 mentoring sessions with Dr. Lisa Leit, MCC
Synchronous: 35 hours/Asynchronous: 25 hours
Course Materials:
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Level One Training Handbook by Dr. Lisa Leit (provided and required)
Corresponding eCourses
Optional supplemental materials
This 60-hour portion of our accredited International Coaching Federation (ICF) program will meet the educational requirements for a Certified Coach Credential or continuing education and ICF mentoring requirement.
Application Process:
Enrollment is limited and contingent upon completion of the application process. Click here to apply.
Step 3: HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Fundamentals eCourse+ (Six weeks - 30 hours, asynchronous, self-paced)
Happy Whole Human helps people help themselves with an online wellness program that confidentially accesses and improves 28 aspects of a balanced life. The prerequisite to the facilitator training is completion of the HWH Holistic Wellness eProgram as a participant, so this 30-hour bundle of six eCourses is the next step in the ICF-accredited Level Two coach training.
Participants will learn to:
Improve the way they respond to stressful situations, adapt to shifting priorities, and work productively in the face of uncertainty.
Be a better listener and communicate more honestly, proactively, and effectively to find win-win solutions.
More confidently think for themselves, solve problems, take initiative, and be productive team players.
Cultivate their innate capacity and connect to their core, whole self so that they can be more curious, open-minded, responsive to feedback, creative, and innovative.
Be more inclusive, responsive, and helpful to others when appropriate.
Ask clarifying questions to understand and consider the interests of others, as well as to more confidently share their own ideas and feedback in collaborations and negotiations.
Express more interest in the experiences of others, be more neutral, and more openly and honestly admit mistakes and accept personal responsibility for performance, behaviors, and actions.
Provide insightful, motivational, accurate, and constructive feedback to others when appropriate.
Be more effectively strategic in the way that they work with others to achieve short- and long-term goals.
Seek feedback and share information and viewpoints openly and directly with others, as well as provide information in an organized, easy-to-follow manner in a variety of settings.
Value and welcome diversity of thought, creativity, and collaboration and adapt more quickly to changes and priorities.
Six weeks (self-paced)
Course Schedule:
30-hour training (Asynchronous)
Access to the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Self-Assessment (designed to be taken every three months)
Six eCourses with a curriculum based on Dr. Lisa Leit's original research with videos, exercises, affirmations, downloadable PDFs, DIY eCoaching, interactive next step resources, and guided meditations from HWH Founder Dr. Lisa Leit
This 30-hour portion of our accredited International Coaching Federation (ICF) program will meet the educational requirements for a Certified Coach Credential or continuing education. These eCourses have also been approved for 30.00 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, aPHRi™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI®).
Application Process:
Enrollment is limited and contingent upon completion of the application process. Click here to apply.
Step 4: HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Facilitator Training (6 weeks - 44 hours)
In this six-week course, participants will learn tools to effectively facilitate the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Program to individual clients in the context of one-on-one coaching sessions. The first segment provides an overview including the context for the program. In the second part of the course, coaches learn how to administer the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Self-Assessment, a comprehensive and psychometrically sound online assessment, and support individual clients as they learn to improve their personal and relationship well-being through structured and results-oriented ways.
ICF-trained coaches can use this assessment and paradigm-shifting program as a way to evoke awareness, earn trust, and empower clients to bring their most authentic self “to work” as they clarify and work towards short- and long-term desired outcomes. As coaches will be working beyond ego, the HWH program sets the Socratic Method co-created discovery process up for optimal, measurable, and permanent success.
Participants will learn to:
Use this program to quantify, verify, and validate the unique personal needs of individuals seeking their guidance and provide them with structure, support, and measurable results.
Apply Socratic methods and active listening in interactions when acting as a HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® facilitator and coach with individual clients.
Learn how to facilitate this holistic wellness program for clients one-on-one using the non-evaluative, non-directive, and sensitively attuned HWH collaborative facilitation model.
Active listening and the Socratic method, as well as other holistic tools are discussed as well.
Improve the way they respond to stressful situations, adapt to shifting priorities, and work productively in the face of uncertainty when working as a coach.
Improve listening and communication skills to share feedback more compassionately, directly, proactively, and effectively.
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Coach Certification Level 1 or comparable 60-hour Coach Specific Training
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Fundamentals eCourse+
Target Audiences:
-Beginner and Experienced Coaches.
-Human Resource Professionals.
Six weeks
Course Schedule:
Twelve two-hour classes (two per week)
Synchronous: 24 hours/Asynchronous:12 hours
Homework: two hours a week eCourse videos and homework assignments
Course Materials:
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Level Two Training Handbook by Dr. Lisa Leit (provided and required)
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Handbook by Dr. Lisa Leit
Corresponding eCourses
Optional supplemental materials
This 44-hour portion of our accredited International Coaching Federation (ICF) program will meet the educational requirements for a Certified Coach Credential or continuing education.
Application Process:
Enrollment is limited and contingent upon completion of the application process. Click here to apply.
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Affiliate pathways
Graduates in good standing will be eligible to elect an affiliate pathway in order to provide their clients with cobranded materials and receive ongoing guidance and support as HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Facilitators.
Step 5: HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Mindfulness Tools for Coaches (6 weeks - 18 hours)
In this six-week course, coaches will learn tools to effectively facilitate and teach twelve HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® mindfulness tools to individual clients in the context of one-on-one coaching sessions. Each week, students will learn and practice tools, including:
HWH Stabilizing Exercise
Shifting Negative Thoughts Exercise
Emotional Release Tool
Anger Management Tool
Overcoming Overwhelm Exercise
Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Tool
Strategies to cultivate safety and work with PTSD if it arises in a coaching session
ICF-trained coaches can use these tools to cultivate and maintain trust, evoke awareness, and to empower clients to be and stay calm and confident as they meet the challenges of each moment.
Participants will learn to:
Facilitate and teach powerful mindfulness tools to clients in the context of one-on-one coaching sessions.
Integrate mindfulness tools into the context of ICF coaching sessions.
Be more mindful and present as coaching professionals.
Communicate compassionately and directly with clients.
Apply Socratic methods and active listening in interactions when acting as a HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® facilitator and coach with individual clients.
Earn and maintain client trust and a safe context.
Empower clients to think, feel, and act in new improved ways to realize their desired outcomes.
Six weeks
Course schedule:
Six two-hour live Zoom classes (one per week)
Synchronous 12 hours/Asynchronous: six hours
Homework: one hour a week of eCourse videos
Course Materials:
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Level Two Training Handbook by Dr. Lisa Leit (provided and required)
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Handbook by Dr. Lisa Leit
Corresponding eCourses
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Coach Certification Level 1 or comparable 60-hour Coach Specific Training
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Fundamentals eCourse+
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Facilitator Training
This 18-hour portion of our accredited International Coaching Federation (ICF) program will meet the educational requirements for a Certified Coach Credential or continuing education.
Application Process:
Enrollment is limited and contingent upon completion of the application process. Click here to apply.
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Affiliate pathways
Graduates in good standing will be eligible to elect an affiliate pathway in order to provide their clients with cobranded materials and receive ongoing guidance and support as HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Facilitators.
Step 6: HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Hypnotic Coach Training (Ten weeks - 50 hours)
This HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Hypnotic Coaching Certification Program teaches coaches to integrate relaxation and guided meditation exercises into their ICF-aligned coaching sessions to harness the power of the subconscious mind to overcome obstacles and step into an experience of the optimized self. As a type of life coaching, hypnotic coaches partner with clients in a co-created process of discovery and learning. Students learn advanced tools and techniques of coaching, with the power of hypnosis. You will be trained in five styles of hypnosis, and learn how to coach people to wholeness by working with the creative subconscious and subpersonalities using an empowering process called Alchemical Hypnosis.
This 50-hour HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Coach-Specific Training prepares coaches for ACHE Hypnotic Coach certification and can be taken as stand-alone training, or as a basis for additional coach training in the Level Three HWH Advanced Coaching certification program.
Participants will learn to use hypnosis to deepen their coaching capacities to:
Create a safe environment for clients to evolve and grow.
Develop and maintain Coaching Presence and the ability to be fully conscious and create spontaneous relationships with clients, employing a style that is open, flexible, and confident.
Discover, clarify, and align with what clients want to achieve.
Encourage client self-discovery.
Listen to what clients say and do not say.
Listen to the content and beyond the words.
Listen in search of clients 'desired outcomes and partner with clients to establish agendas and recontract as necessary.
Listen and resonate with clients' words, meaning and tone.
Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies through a collaborative process.
Hold clients responsible and accountable for the outcomes of their process.
Develop a strong, bonded relationship with clients, and using that relationship as part of the process.
Develop competency in five styles of hypnosis using both directive and non-directive techniques.
Utilize hypnosis in combination with coaching to help clients achieve goals: Learning goals, performance goals, and fulfillment goals.
10 weeks
Course Schedule:
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Hypnotic Training Program is a 10-week, 50-hour course that includes weekly eCourses and ten weeks of Zoom classes (one two-hour prep class followed by a week of self-study and content comprehension exam followed by eight weeks of weekly three-hour live Zoom classes in which students practice protocols and techniques and receive expert feedback) with 14 hours of homework throughout.
Synchronous: 36 hours/Asynchronous: 14 hours
Course Materials:
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Hypnotic CoachTraining Handbook by Zoilita Grant and Dr. Lisa Leit (provided and required)
Corresponding eCourses
Optional supplemental materials
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Coach Certification Level One or comparable 60-hour Coach Specific Training
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Fundamentals eCourse+
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Facilitator Training HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Mindfulness Tools for Coaches Training
This 50-hour portion of our accredited International Coaching Federation (ICF) program will meet the educational requirements for a Certified Coach Credential or continuing education and ICF mentoring requirement. This course is also part of our ACHE-accredited Hypnotic Coach Certification Program.
Application Process:
Enrollment is limited and contingent upon completion of the application process. Click here to apply.
Step 7: HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Advanced Practicum (20 weeks - 40 hours)
Supervised coach trainees will establish their own coaching practices and conduct 20 sessions with at least two clients, demonstrating proficiency in the International Coaching Federation coach-specific Core Competencies, as well as integrating HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® methods and protocols.
20 weeks
Course Schedule:
20 Weeks 40 Hours (20 hours of client work, 5 hours of live Zoom teleclasses (2-hour Prep Class and 3-hour Conclusion Class), 10 hours of virtual group mentorship, and 5 hours of homework)
Synchronous: 15 hours/Asynchronous: 25 hours
Access to the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Practicum Handbook by Dr. Lisa Leit
Corresponding eCourses
This 40-hour portion of our accredited International Coaching Federation (ICF) program will meet the educational requirements for a Certified Coach Credential or continuing education. This course is also part of our ACHE-accredited Hypnotic Coach Certification Program.
Application Process:
Enrollment is limited and contingent upon completion of the application process. Click here to apply.