Tues, Nov 16 | Online via Zoom
Level 5 Certification:
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Supervised Practicum
Upcoming Classes:
20 Weeks 40 Hours (20 hours of client work, 7 hours of teleclasses, 10 hours of virtual mentorship, and 3 hours of administrative work)
November 16, 2021-April 1, 2022
Five online classes via Zoom
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 5:30-7:00pm CST - Preparatory class
Tuesday, December 14, 2021 5:30-6:30pm CST - Mid-way check-in class
Tuesday, February 8, 2021 5:30-7:30pm CST - Mid-way check-in class
Tuesday, March 29, 2022 5:30-7:30pm CST - Conclusion class #1
Thursday, March 31, 2022 5:30-7:30pm CST - Conclusion class #2
October 10, 2022 -February 24, 2023
Monday, October 10, 2023 5:30-7:00pm CST - Preparatory class
Monday, November 14, 2023 5:30-7:00pm CST - Mid-way check-in class #1
Monday, January 9 5:30-7:00pm CST - Mid-way check-in class #2
Monday, February 21, 2023 5:30-7:30pm CST - Conclusion class #1
Wednesday, February 23, 2023 5:30-7:30pm CST Conclusion class #2
Dr. Lisa Leit Founder
$1500 tuition, materials included
Course Description:
This 20-week, 40-hour HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Coach Training can be taken as stand-alone training, or as Level 5 in the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Coach certification program. Credit hours are pre-approved to be applied towards a International Coaching Federation credential using the ACSTH application pathway, and as ICF CCE credits. This course is also Level 5 of 6 of the ACHE accredited HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® 210-hour Hypnotic Coach Certification Program.
Coach trainees will establish their own coaching practices and conduct 20 sessions with at least two clients, demonstrating proficiency in the International Coaching Federation coach-specific Core Competencies, as well as HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® methods and protocols. They will be supervised throughout, with 10 hours of mentorship. They will create and present two case studies, utilize appropriate client intake forms and record-keeping. Students will also spend four hours on reflection and business development.
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® (HWH) programs prepare students for empowering and lucrative coaching careers in which they create interactive confidential healing spaces of unconditional acceptance and provide the support, information, and structure to facilitate transformational change. Students are taught practical tools and techniques to help clients conquer their fears, get out of their own way, and learn to live as Happy Whole Humans-radiant, happy, and fulfilled. Our mission is to empower individuals as they relax, reflect, and snap out of unconscious patterns via mindfulness and holistic wellness to overcome obstacles and improve their lives and relationships across the board.
Participants will learn to apply all of the competencies, tools, protocols, and skills they have cultivated in Levels 1-4 to client work and will measure and document performance by filling out online self-observations and administrating the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Self-Assessment during the client intake process, and before the 5th and 10th sessions.
-HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Coach Certification Level 1
-HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Coach Certification Level 2
-HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Coach Certification Level 3
- HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Coach Certification Level 4
Course Materials:
The HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Practicum Handbook by Dr. Lisa Leit (provided and required)
Optional supplemental materials
Final Exam:
Each course offered by the HWH Institute of Holistic Wellness includes an online final comprehensive exam. In this case, the exam is cumulative; testing all content from Levels 1-5. Students must pass with a 75% score or above to receive HWH certification.
Course Schedule:
Contact us for the complete course schedule.
International Coaching Federation Training Hours:
The Happy Whole Human Institute of Holistic Wellness offers a 326-hour Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) accredited International Coaching Federation (ICF) program. Students who complete our program will be eligible to apply for credentials from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) using the ASCTH Applications. The ICF ASCTH designation applies only to the complete 326-hour program that has been accredited. However, you may take this (Level 5) or other portions of our ACSTH program and apply the training towards an ICF credential, as long as you complete a minimum of 30 hours of the full ACSTH program. The ICF accepts this and other portions of our ACSTH program as Continuing Coach Education (CCE credits) if you have completed 29 hours or less of our entire program.
Click here to view our listing in the ICF directory.
American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE) Accredited Training:
The Happy Whole Human Institute of Holistic Wellness is approved by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE) to offer this Hypnotic Coach certification program, taught by Lisa Leit, a certified ACHE instructor and examiner. After completing HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Coach Certification Levels 1-6, Lisa Leit will determine whether students are eligible for Hypnotic Coach certification (200 training hours required) by the American Council for Hypnotist Examiners. Upon successful examination, students may submit their HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® certificate in an application for the ACHE certification. Graduates will need to pay a fee for ACHE certification and fill out requisite forms, but no further examination will be required.
Continuing Education:
Course credit may count towards continuing education credit for coaches, hypnotherapists, human resource managers, and therapists.
Students may wish to learn refined tools and techniques to coach clients grappling with specific wellness goals. Further elective coursework may be pursued in areas such as life design, weight, smoking, health and wellness (headaches, breathing issues, allergies, overcoming phobias, and how to support individuals with cancer), and spiritual development.
Application Process:
Enrollment is limited and contingent upon completion of the application process.
Click here for the Participant Enrollment Agreement.
Certification Requirements
Each course offered by the HWH Institute of Holistic Wellness includes an online final comprehensive exam. To pass, students must pass the exam and complete all assignments with a 75% average or above and attend all live Zoom classes (you may make up to two missed classes per level by watching class videos and completing in-class assignments). In the event that a student is not able to pass one of the classes, s/he will need to retake the class and all subsequent levels within three years, or additional tuition will be due. Upon passing each coach training level, students will receive certificates of completion which may be submitted to the International Coaching Federation and the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners as proof of training hours towards ICF and ACHE certification and/or continuing education requirements.
HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Coach Certification: Practicum review, all assignments due, mentorship hours complete, and a comprehensive oral and written exam.